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Features removed in Word 2013

Features removed in Word 2013

Several significant and useful features has been removed from Word 2013.

1. Personal Templates

Word 2013 does not give you access to your custom templates, be they personal or corporate. There is a selection of on-line “featured” templates but these are of little interest, especially as they’re formatted for US Letter size paper and not A4.

For an explanation of how to customise Word 2013 to show Personal templates see this article.

2. New from Existing

In earlier versions of Word, create a new document from an existing one (make a copy) or create a new document from a template that’s saved in any folder by using the New from Existing command.

Word 2010 New from Existing

Word 2010 new from existing


In Word 2013 the New from Existing command no longer exists and there is no other easy way to achieve a similar result.

3. Tabs after right indent

Word 2013 does not recognise tab stops beyond the right indent. Although it is possible to create them using the Tabs dialog they are not still not recognised. It is not possible to create them directly on the ruler and if you try dragging an existing tab beyond the right indent it just snaps back to the indent.

4. Measurements on the ruler

In earlier version of Word, hold the [ALT] key and click the ruler to see measurements for the left and right margin and column widths.

word 2010 ruler measure

In Word 2013 you have to drag and change a margin or column width before you see the measurement.

5. Browse object

In earlier version of Word, click the Browse Object icon at the bottom on the vertical scroll bar to select an object type (Page by default) and then click the arrow above or below the icon to jump to the next or previous object of that type in the document. This is a quick a useful way or selecting, for example, tables or images in a long document.

word 2010 object browser word 2010 object browser page


In Word 2013 Browse Object icon no longer exists. Some of its functionality can still be achieved using the Navigation Pane.


6. Table positioning

(not something to be missed exactly but it is different and can cause problems opening documents in different versions of Word)

In Word 2013 text inside tables is not forced to align with text outside the table so tables align with the margins. Earlier versions of Word align text inside tables with the text outside tables and the table extends beyond the margins.

Word 2013 table alignment

Word 2013 may shift tables slightly and make tables narrower. This may cause the whole flow of a table and page to change.

Word 2010 table alignment

Word 2013’s new way of aligning tables is more in keeping with what designers are used to in Adobe InDesign.


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